Pledge Levels
We added the much requested Triple and Quad Landmark pledge levels. You can choose any three painted landmarks for $1,690 or four painted landmarks for $2,250 when selecting their respective pledge levels.
Unpainted versions of all landmark and district levels are available in Pledge Manager. If you pledged for any level above Build Your Own and would like to see to unpainted pledge level options in Pledge Manager, please send a request to customersupport@dwarvenforge.com
- 8-B123 Wharfwatch District
- 8-A194 Urban Elevation - Half Arches
- 8-A195 Wooden Corner Post Fillers
- 8-A197 Fieldstone - Grand Promenade Floor
- 8-A198 Fieldstone - Narrow Walls & Posts
- 8-A199 Rustic Wood - Wall Spacers
- 8-A201 Fieldstone - Wall Spacers
- 8-A196 Lowtown Phantasmal Filters
- 8-A202 Lowtown Water Current Overlays (image coming soon)
- 8-A173 Terrain Tray Single 12"x12": Straight Shoreline/Convex Shoreline
- 8-A174 Terrain Tray Single 12"x12": Cobblestone/Packed Dirt
- 8-A175 Terrain Tray Single 12"x12": Slum Cobblestone/Slum Dirt
- 8-A176 Terrain Tray Single 12"x12": Rustic Wood Floor/Neutral Stone
- 8-D101 Lowtown Wood Paint Bundle
- 8-D102 Lowtown Fieldstone Paint Bundle
- 8-D103 Lowtown Scaffolding Paint Bundle
- 7-A152 The Light Puck - Interactive LED Matrix
- 7-A131 DF Floor Fogger
- 6.6-T134 DF Light Panel Driver Pack
- 6.6-T137 DF Light Panel Expansion Pack
We've revised six sets to add necessary pieces:
- 8-A193 Rustic Wood - Tower Extensions
- 8-A121 Ivy Facades Pack
- 8-A122 Elven Facades Pack
- 8-A170 Wooden Facades Pack
- 8-A152 Urban Elevation - Arches
- 8-A184 Urban Elevation - Ramps
And we've removed four sets since they have been superseded by our new sets above:
- 8-A157 Fieldstone - Narrow Floors Remastered
- 8-A159 Fieldstone - Narrow Walls & Posts
- 8-A189 Rustic Wood - Wall Spacers
- 8-A190 Fieldstone - Wall Spacers
For graphics and links to all sets mentioned above, jump to the bottom of this page.
Lastly, a couple set names changed, but their compositions remain the same.
- 8-A171-T: Was Terrain Tray Single 12"x12": Straight Shoreline/Convex Shoreline is now Terrain Tray Single 12"x12": Straight Breakers/Convex Breakers
- 8-A172-T: Was Terrain Tray Single 12"x12": Concave Shoreline/Concave Mud Bank is now Terrain Tray Single 12"x12": Concave Breakers/Concave Shoreline
We're also working on some new videos including walkthroughs and demos. Check out our video gallery to see all our Lowtown videos including those listed below.
- Riverside Mill Landmark Walkthrough, available on youtube
- Wharfwatch District Walkthrough, available on youtube
- Hands On: Urban Elevation, available on youtube
- Hands-On: Double High Building, available on youtube
- Hands-On: Ground Cover, available on youtube
- Hands-On: Non-City Compatibility, available on youtube
- Hands-On: Floortal, available on youtube
- How to Use Pledge Manager, available on youtube