Lizardfolk attack the harbor…
A gang ambush in the marketplace…
Searching the frontier village for clues…
These are the sorts of encounters that can be created with our Lowtown Districts. Districts are our largest bundles, each covering about 2’x2’ on the game table and creating a richly detailed scene where an encounter or skirmish would be likely. To complete the scene many Districts include ground cover, usually Terrain Trays or our new Textured Battle Boards.

Districts are a one-click way to build a complete encounter out of the box - they come complete with everything you need to create a whole cityscape or battlefield: buildings, dressing, and plenty of interesting variety. Many of the Districts also include ground cover so no additional battlemat or Terrain Trays are required.
Bundle Styles
Our Districts bundles are composed in two styles: exterior or interior.

Exterior Builds
Most Districts are exterior builds, creating a complete outdoor scene with most accessories and thematic dressing outside, and little to none inside the buildings.These are ideal for outdoor RPG combat encounters and for wargame battlefields. For hybrid encounters where the action transitions into the buildings, the interiors can easily be dressed by choosing Lowtown Dressing Treasure Chests as Stretch Goal packs.

Interior & Hybrid Builds
Two district are not dedicated exterior builds. The Lumberbaron’s Lodge is a hybrid District, working as both an exterior and interior build. It’s a complete building and grounds from the outside, and inside all the rooms contain dressing. Inn to the Pit is a strictly interior build, containing intricate interior rooms and accessories, but has no roofs, ground coverage, or exterior accessories. These Districts are perfect for “building exploration” RPG encounters, but can easily be integrated into an exterior city encounter by adding roofs and/or ground coverage.
Each District includes a robust collection of Component Sets which can be recombined in different ways to create a staggering variety of alternate builds. Think of them as toolboxes containing a thematically-grouped assortment of pieces. So your Ambush Alley District is perfect for building any sort of slums, shanty town, ramshackle village, or other run-down structures.