How to Pledge
Use the Pledge Builder menu on this site to browse all available sets, select the ones you want and price out your desired pledge. It’s a good idea to start with the various Starter, Landmark, or District Pledge Bundles. Then add as many other sets (including other Pledge Bundles) as you’d like. You can save multiple options and return to them from now until the end of the Pledge Manager period.
To place your actual pledge, you must return to Kickstarter. There, start by selecting a pledge level. Then input your Pledge Total from our Pledge Builder. Note: Please choose “Build Your Own” for an unpainted pledge or if you don’t want a Pledge Bundle and prefer a mix of component sets.
Here’s a video for more detail.
Pledge Walkthrough
Chris briefly walks through the process of making a pledge.
Our Backer-Friendly Spreadsheet contains all the pieces and set compositions available at the launch of our Kickstarter. Export or create a copy within Google Sheets to plan and edit your pledges.
How to Upgrade Your Pledge on Kickstarter
Add "Bonus Support" to your peldge level if you want allocate additional funds for more sets.

If you have any questions about your Pledge Builder or how to complete your pledge on Kickstarter, reach out to us here.