Stretch Goal Rules

Cities Untold: Lowtown has 2 different types of stretch goals: Milestone and Treasure Chests

1 Milestone for every 1 million dollars raised by the campaign, 1 small chest for every $500 you pledge, 1 large chest for every $2000 you pledge
One per backer for pledges of Build Your Own or higher.  This pack grows each time we pass a $1MM milestone.

Treasure Chests

*Backers receive:
  • One Small Treasure Chest for every full $500 pledged, excluding payments toward shipping and taxes.
  • One Large Treasure Chest for every full $2,000 pledged, excluding payments toward shipping and taxes.

Best of all: we'll have 6 different Small Treasure Chests and 3 different Large Treasure Chests to choose from!

Treasure Chests start the campaign empty. But as our Kickstarter grows, the loot accumulates until the campaign ends on February 28.

Rules for Treasure Chest Allotments

  1. Spending on shipping and taxes/duties does not count toward your Stretch Goal allotment. This is true whether you pay these amounts during the Kickstarter or the Pledge Manager.
  2. No fractional allotments. You must hit the full $500 (Small Chest) or $2,000 (Large Chest) increment to qualify for your next Treasure Chest.
  3. Both Kickstarter and Pledge Manager count.  We will combine your total product order (regardless of your pledge level) from both Kickstarter and Pledge Manager to determine your total Treasure Chest allotment.  
  4. Timing. After the Pledge Manager locks this spring, we’ll confirm your total Treasure Chest allotment. You’ll be able to select your Treasure Chests shortly thereafter.

Treasure Chest Examples

 Example #1

Paid for product during KS:

Paid for product during Pledge Mgr:

Paid for shipping/tax during Pledge Mgr:

Total Paid:

Total SG Eligibility:

Total # Small Treasure Chests:

Total # Large Treasure Chests:



$40 (excluded)






 Example #2

Paid for product during KS:

Paid for product during Pledge Mgr:

Paid for shipping/tax during Pledge Mgr:

Total Paid:

Total SG Eligibility:

Total # Small Treasure Chests:

Total # Large Treasure Chests:



$90 (excluded)

